We use cookies

We use cookies to analyze and improve the experience on the website. You can read our cookie policy here.
Please note, that if you continue to use this website, you accept that cookies will be placed for the above purposes.

Cookie policy

On our website www.uzenergy.com we use cookies in accordance with this cookie policy.


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+86 0755 8860 9397

Send us an email

Stefanie Chen:chenjw@uzenergy.com

Head office

12th Floor Skyworth Digital Building,

Songbai Road,Shenzhen China

China 518053


Today, cookies are used by almost all websites and are in many cases necessary to provide a specific service on the website.
A cookie is a small text file which is stored on the user’s IT equipment (such as a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) allowing the website to recognize the equipment. Cookies may, for instance, be used for the purpose of preparing statistics of the users’ website use and for optimization of website contents. A cookie is a passive file and cannot collect information from the user’s computer or spread a computer virus or other harmful programs. Some cookies are placed by websites (third parties) other than the one stated in the browser’s address line (the URL). The contents of such cookies may be of a general nature, but they may also be, for example, analytical tools or embedded comment fields. This means that cookies are stored from parties other than the one owning the website.
Some cookies are created temporarily and expire at the end of the user session when the browser is closed (session cookies). Other cookies are stored on the user’s IT equipment for a longer period of time (persistent cookies). When the user revisits a website, new session cookies will be placed in the temporary memory, whereas a persistent cookie will be renewed.


On www.uzeneregy.com we use cookies to analyze how our website is used and to enhance and simplify your visit. We further use the data to navigate users to the correct website domain based on their location and preferences. The information that we gain from cookies is used to analyze and improve the experience on the website. The information provided in the statistics is anonymous and cannot be used to identify named users.


How to delete or decline cookies depends on your browser.
If you use a PC, you may delete cookies by using the shortcut keys [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Delete].
If this does not work, or if you use, for example, a MAC computer, you must click on the link in the browser you use.


If you have any questions regarding this cookie policy, you may contact us at marketing@uzenergy.com.
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